
What Is Negative Feedback Loop of Blood Pressure?

What Is Negative Feedback Loop of Blood Pressure?

In order to understand the blood pressure feedback loop, it is important to first understand what blood pressure is and what it does. Your blood pressure is how hard your heart has to pump to push the blood through your blood vessels and through your body. Any mammal that has blood in the body has a blood pressure.
Blood pressure is maintained in normal ranges through a process called homeostasiswhich sends out chemicals andsignals to either relax or tighten the blood vessels to make blood pressure go up or down when needed. This happens through a blood pressure feedback loop that tells the body how to maintain your blood pressure where it needs to be. If the feedback loop was to malfunction and the blood pressure doesn’t normalize, there is a higher risk for conditions such asstroke, heart attack, or even failure of the kidneys. This article explains how the feedback loop works to maintain blood pressure.
About Homeostasis
The blood pressure feedback loop helps the body maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis means all is working in harmony in the body and functioning normally. It means the body temperature is where it needs to be, the heart is beating at the right rhythm, hormones are right, and the blood pressure is in normal range.
Homeostasis is disrupted when one of the key parts of the system isn’t working right or something is off. The body then goes through a series of changes to try and bring things back into balance. For example, when you get cold, you shiver to bring up your temperature. All of these responses to change the body start in the brain and gets sent out via chemicals or electrical messengers.
The negative feedback loop helps to balance homeostasis by recognizing there is a problem in the body and sending out the right response. The loop stays where it is at and sends out different “effectors” to do the work. Let’s take a look at how the feedback loop works.
What Is a Negative Feedback Loop?

Figure 1: Negative Feedback Loop
The negative feedback loop requires a few things to work to maintain homeostasis. First is a sensor, next is the integrating center, and then the effector (Figure 1). They work together like this:
·         Sensor
They sense changes in your body and send a message to the integrating center.
·         Integrating Center
It receives messages from the sensors and decides which effector needs a signal to go out and fix the issue in the body.
·         Effectors
They are either electrical impulses or chemicals that can stabilize the body and maintain homeostasis.
Negative feedback loops in the body are very stable and in themselves maintain constant conditions. This means that they are the starting point for all the other body systems. If your blood sugar goes too low, the negative feedback loop signals the liver to release glucagon and signals the pancreas to slow the production of insulin. If your blood sugar goes too high, a signal is sent to the pancreas to release more insulin to lower the blood sugar levels. This helps more glucose get absorbed into the cells and brings the blood sugar levels down.
How Does Negative Feedback Loop Regulate Blood Pressure?

Figure 2: Blood Pressure Feedback Loop
The blood pressure feedback loop has a few more components than depicted above. In Figure 2, you can see the variables in the feedback loop for blood pressure. These include:
·         Stimulus  
When you do something that changes blood pressure, such asstanding up, lying down, doing exercise, or rest, these stimulates are either a raise in blood pressure or a decrease.
·         Receptor 
When your blood pressure goes up or down, the receptor cells in the walls of your blood vessels can detect the changes. They send off a message to the integrating center in your brain.
·         Integrating Center
Otherwise known as “mission control”, it gets the message from the receptors and decides what to do, either lower or raise the blood pressure. The center then sends out a messenger to the right effectors, namely your heart or your blood vessels.
·         Effectors
These are the actual places in the body that directly control different functions. The integrating center will tell the heart to beat harder and faster or slow it down. Effectors in the blood pressure feedback loop are also the blood vessels. The messages to them will be to either constrict to raise the blood pressure or relax to lower the blood pressure.
Sometimes your body will get used to certain conditions and the body won’t react to changes as much. For example, if you are an athlete and your body is used to physical activity, your blood pressure may not raise much at all. You may also be able to exercise under harsher conditions and not be affected as much. This is the case in which athletes exercise in high altitudes with less oxygen. The feedback loop may not need to kick in due to good physical condition of the body. However, if the muscles do require increased oxygen levels, the feedback loop will send a message to increase the blood pressure as needed to get more blood and oxygen into the muscle. This is one example of how sophisticated this system really is.

Skinny Legs Big Ppper Body

Skinny Legs Big Ppper Body
Next time you make it to the gym, sit in a corner and observe how many people are working out on the cardio machines or training to strengthen their upper bodies. Many, I tell you, but now count the number of people interested in developing their lower body. Well, you can literally count them, because they aren’t many. Hammering upper body only is what gives you skinny legs but big upper body.
Skinny Legs, Big Upper Body, Why?
Working on half of your body and leaving the rest of it don’t make you fit in any way. Ripped six-pack or an 18 inch biceps doesn’t make a difference if you don’t stress on the lower part of your body. Gluteal muscles, thighs and calves make up half of your body and almost all of your locomotory system. Don’t you get straight away attracted to a muscular set of legs? They look good, in fact great! Well, let's throw light on some of the reasons why guys ignore the lower part of body when working out:
·        Maybe because it’s tough? The upper part of the body is easier to work out but it takes a lot of effort to work out the lower body.
·        Cramps! Ouch! The soreness is yet another reason why guys avoid working out lower parts. Who wants to go to work like that?
·        Lack of motivation could be a factor, since it’s women’s legs we’re always emphasizing on.
·        Typical superhero always has skinny legs, big upper body picture. This probably convinced guys to overlook the leg part.
Pictures of People with Skinny Leg But Big Upper Body
When working out in a gym, guys should focus on the big picture. You cannot just zero in on a particular part of body and neglect the rest of it. Ever heard of the chicken leg phenomenon? Yeah, that is how you look when you just care about the upper part! A picture or two would very well convey what we’re trying to explain here.

How to Get Bigger Legs to Match Your Upper Body
Now that you understand how important it is to work on the entire body, let's fix the problem and bring balance back to both parts of body. Here are eight different ways you can try to get bigger legs or better yet, legs that match your body!
1. Warm Up
If you start exercising straightaway without warming up, then you will probably injure yourself rather than promoting muscle growth of your lower body. Please make it a point to warm up by either 5-10 minutes of light cycling or running with a proper session of muscle stretching following it. Again, you need to focus on your quads, hamstrings, calf muscles and groins during warmups.
2. Forget Cardio
Yes! You read that right. Don’t bother yourself with cardio now, since it makes your muscles stronger but not bigger. And we want the latter for now. So avoid cycling, swimming, running, biking and power walking.
Focus your energy and efforts on lower part now. Cardio is for people who need a whole-body workout. Cardio doesn’t strain enough on legs, instead consumes a lot of energy. Get back to cardio, when you’ve achieved the desired leg size.
3. Do Leg-Targeted Exercises
Since the problem now is skinny legs, big upper body, you should make legs the focus of your workout. So, let's sculpt the hamstrings and quad muscles by making use of those leg extension and leg curl machines.
Keep the weight on medium resistance and make sure you adjust the machine according to height so that your knee joints are in line with machine axis. But, also make sure you lift as much weight as possible so that you feel the burn during such high-intensity workouts. Although we’ve stressed on isolation exercises, whole-body training shouldn’t be ignored as well. You can try sprinting, squat, step ups and lunges and plyometrics to get a proportionate body.
4. Train Two Legs Uniformly
You obviously don’t want one leg looking better than the other one, do you? So, go for unilateral exercises, focusing on one leg at a time so that both of them get equal share of torture. If you don’t exercise like this, your dominant leg would work out a bit more resulting in an evident imbalance of muscle growth and size between two legs.
5. Fuel Up Your Body
Working out requires a lot of energy, especially when we’re talking about legs. So make sure you keep your energy levels high and calorie intake good enough to exercise hard. Muscles are all protein, so having a good protein intake during such workouts totally makes sense. For growing muscles, eat meat, whole grains, beans, eggs, tofu, fruits and vegetables.
6. Stretch Stabilizer Muscles
Seeing the bigger picture doesn’t obviously mean to ignore smaller muscles. Stabilizer muscles are small muscles in the gluteal region that prevent injury and as the name suggests, stabilize pelvis and other joints. You can’t rely on your body during workout if these muscles aren’t functioning properly. Make sure you train your adductors (inner thigh) and abductors (lateral/outer thigh) especially before squatting.
7. Wear Appropriate Clothing
For those who have just realized the presence of skinny legs, big upper body problem in their life, this one is a quick fix. Wear appropriate clothing. Go for baggy pants to add a little bulk, choose boot-cut pants, or wear boots beneath pants. Avoid baggy shorts and skinny jeans at 


Man who thinks the earth is flat won't launch himself in a rocket he built in His own backyard

Man who thinks the earth is flat won't launch himself in a rocket he built in His own backyard

 appears we will need to wait a while longer to find out whether
 more than two millennia of thinkers and explorers — from Aristotle and Ferdinand Magellan, to Neil deGrasse Tyson and John Glenn — have been wrong about the shape of the Earth.
"Mad" Mike Hughes, limousine driver and self-proclaimed flat-Earther, announced that he had to delay his plan to launch himself 1,800 feet high in a rocket of his own making. The launch, which he has billed as a crucial first step toward ultimately photographing our disc-world from space, had been scheduled for Saturday — before the Bureau of Land Management got wind of the plan and barred him from using public land in Amboy, Calif.
Also, the rocket launcher he had built out of a used motor home "broke down in the driveway" on Wednesday, according to Hughes. He said in a YouTube announcement that they'd eventually gotten the launcher fixed — but the small matter of federal permission proved a more serious stumbling block (for now).
The BLM "informed me that they were not going to allow me to do the event there — at least at that location," Hughes said.
Hughes asserted that the BLM last year had tacitly left the matter of permissions to the Federal Aviation Administration, and "of course, they can't honestly approve it," he added. The FAA "just said, 'Well, we know that you're going to do it there.'"
"Someone from our local office reached out to him after seeing some of these news articles [about the launch], because that was news to them," a spokeswoman for the agency told The Washington Post, adding that Hughes had not applied to the local BLM field office for the necessary permit.
"So, it turned out to be not a good thing," Hughes said.

Still, Hughes has not relented in his quest to launch himself roughly 500 mph on a mile-long flight across the sky above the Mojave Desert. He said he has found private property near his original launch site, where he anticipates finally taking off as early as this coming week.
For Hughes, this launch would not be his first in a homemade rocket. In 2014, the 61-year-old sent himself flying a quarter-mile across the Arizona desert before pulling out several parachutes of questionable quality on his fall to Earth. He was "in a walker for a couple weeks" after that launch, he told a flat-Earth community Web show.
He also hopes it will not be his last such attempt. Since converting to the flat-Earth belief after "research[ing] it for several months in between doing everything else," Hughes has seen a marked uptick in fundraising contributionsto his rocket projects. And he has big plans, hoping eventually to launch himself into space, where he believes he can overturn a scientific understanding that predates NASA by at least 2,300 years.
"I don't believe in science," Hughes told the AP earlier this month. "I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles, and thrust. But that's not science, that's just a formula. There's no difference between science and science fiction."
For now, his mission will have to wait.
"It's been very disappointing and, I guess, enlightening — this whole week. It really has been," he said. "But it's not easy because it's not supposed to be."
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